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Month of February Decorate Kids Door Month of February Decorate Kids Bedroom Door

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Door hearts is our favorite Valentine's Day Tradition.  During the month of February we love to shower our kids with this fun and completely free activity.  This is a simple activity that challenges us to think of a new encouraging thing to write for each child each day. All it takes is some construction paper and kindness.

Kids can get involved too by making their own hearts and sharing with their siblings and parents too.  Encouraging words are the love language of so many, this easy activity is a great way to live out that love.

Wait! Before you get started on Door Hearts – you gotta get this Encanto Luisa INSTANT DOWNLOAD Valentine's Day printable!

valentines day tradition


Last year we started a ridiculously easy Valentine's Day Tradition in our house.  We knew it would be a hit, but we didn't realize how much they would love it.  This little Valentine's treat was not at all my idea, my Pinterest feed was full of posts from awesome bloggers that are far more creative than I.

This craft is super simple.  Cut out little paper hearts in festive colors and write something you love about your child on them.  Tape one little heart to their door each night of February leading up to Valentine's Day.  We don't do a lot of fancy, over the top stuff. Door hearts are just so simple and inexpensive. I only wish we had started this sweet Valentine's day tradition sooner.

Not Crafty? Don't have the time to cut out hearts? This is not a problem. You can purchase pre-cut hearts for less than $10 on Amazon.

FREE Sharkboy and Lavagirl Printable Valentine's Day Cards <– click here!

Baby Yoda Printable Valentine's Day Cards <– click here!

Friends (90s sitcom) Printable Valentine's Day Cards <– click here!

Sonic the Hedgehog Printable Valentine's Day Cards  <– click here!

So starting on February 1st we cut out a bunch of little hearts and put them on their doors, completely unannounced.  It was a hit! It was no surprise that the kid that loved it the most was our son.  He is one of those kids that will take a lull in a conversation as an opportunity to remind you of something good they did previously simply so he can fill the dead air with praise.  He loved checking out the hearts each morning and I would catch him going back to read them multiple times a day.  He told everyone he met about the heart thing on his door enthusiastically.  Then one day (I think it was the 5th) we forgot.  Parent Fail.  We did not hear the end of it all day.  So from that night on, he would remind us every single night "Don't forget our hearts Mom!", sometimes multiple times.  OK, always multiple times.

"We won't Buddy! Go to bed!"

This is a tradition I think we will keep up until they move out.  For one, it is crazy easy and not expensive.  Two, it is a great affirmation for the kids and it is a great affirmation for us.  Sometimes after a long day we forget to be thankful.  This was fun for Harry and I to do together.  "Hey Babe, can you write their hearts tonight?" "Sure!"  Then we would read what we wrote to the one who didn't do the hearts that night and we both go "Awww."…… It seriously is the little things!

Hearts On The Door Valentines Day

I love how many people are visiting this fun Valentine's Tradition idea!  Thank you for sharing with your friends!  I'd love for you to pin it too! Pin it on Pinterest!

This post is always so popular every February! We know we meet lots of new friends this way and we don't want to lose you! I hope you will like Highlights Along the Way on Facebook and follow along as we share fun traditions throughout the year. We love to celebrate and highlight this journey called family life.  We share our own ideas and some of the best from other mom bloggers and websites around the world.

Parents can easily make these hearts out of plain computer paper.  Scrapbooking enthusiasts or lapsed scrapbookers like myself might just have pages and pages of pretty acid free scrap book paper sitting unused.  I dig into my stash every year and have not even scratched the surface.  Construction paper is an inexpensive option that is easy to find and you might have lying around anyway.

Even if you have to purchase paper, this is so easy and very inexpensive.  I know so many parents simply don't have the time or money for elaborate gestures.  This is a minimal effort project with maximum response.  Our big kids actually save their hearts year after year.  I love that they both have a little stash of love notes from us tucked away in their 'treasure boxes'.  Our littlest is just now starting to read and I am pretty sure her hoarding of hearts is about to start as well.  I don't do too many fun traditions like this, but door hearts is here to stay and I really think everyone should do them!

What is your favorite Valentine's Day tradition?
Hearts On the Door Valentines Day

Don't miss our adorable Baby Yoda Valentine's Printables! They are perfect for last minute Valentine's Day celebrations!

Until Next Time ~Kate


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